Bob Ferguson Claims He Protects Washingtonians from Violent Sexual Crimes. He is Lying.
August 20, 2024
BELLEVUE, WA – Over the weekend, the Seattle Times published an investigative report that found 1 in 4 “sexually violent predators” in the state of Washington that were committed and released under the nation’s first program to rehabilitate such criminals went on to commit new crimes.
Twenty-five. Percent.
One in 7 of the predators released have gone on to commit serious crimes with half involving sexual violence.
One such violent criminal was released due to the recommendation of DSHS and Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s office despite a corrections officer expressing concerns that the criminal’s compliance with supervision “appeared to be deteriorating” which included such red flags as lying to his own therapist.
The criminal Ferguson’s office suggested should be released is now serving a life sentence in Maryland for attempted rape, burglary and other charges in an attack on a 74-year-old woman at knifepoint in her bedroom.
As noted by Brandi Kruse in yesterday’s episode of UnDivided, Bob Ferguson’s office is tasked with confining these criminals and reviewing petitions to release these criminals. The blame for 25 percent of the criminals released that have gone on to commit new crimes and 1 in 7 that have committed horrific serious crimes lies at Ferguson’s feet.
But you would have no idea Ferguson has failed the victims and families of victims of sexual violence if you were to just listen to him. In fact, he has the gall to campaign on protecting survivors and keeping sexual predators locked up.
Ferguson not only won’t accept accountability for the 1 in 7 criminals he’s released that have gone on to commit serious crimes, including sexual violence, he won’t even talk about his failures.
Since this scandal broke over the weekend, the Attorney General hasn’t offered any explanation or apology for his decisions that led to more victims of heinous crimes.
Why? Washingtonians deserve answers.