On The Issues

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Crime and Safety
Four black and blue dollar bill icon
Cost of Living
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Jobs and the Economy
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Parents and Children
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Hate and Antisemitism
black and blue building with badge icon

Crime and Safety

Washington has become a haven for crime, drugs, homelessness, human trafficking, and other serious problems. In fact, the latest Washington State crime report detailed how murders and armed robberies are up, car jackings are up, and domestic violence continues to rise.

Yet somehow, government’s response has been to claim one of the worst distinctions in America: the lowest number of law enforcement officers per thousand residents in the nation. I’ve spent my entire career protecting people, standing up for people, and putting my life on the line for people.

As a detective and then as Sheriff, I was fortunate to lead an outstanding investigative team that worked tirelessly to capture and apprehend the “Green River Killer” – the second most notorious serial killer in U.S. history.

In Congress, I helped champion the bipartisan “Blue Alert” bill that was signed into law to create a national alert system to make officers aware of threats against them as quickly as possible. I also co-sponsored the “Thin Blue Line Act” to crack down on cop killers by making the murder or attempted murder of a police officer an “aggravating” factor in death penalty determinations.

As Governor, I will use my experience on the street and in the trenches to change this lawlessness and make you and your family feel safe again.

Read Dave’s 9-1-1 Blueprint on Public Safety here:

Read Dave’s 9-1-1 Blueprint on Homelessness here:

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Cost of Living

We currently compete with California for having the highest gas prices in the nation. Health insurance and property taxes are through the roof. And the cost of food, driven by inflation, is putting a squeeze on people who simply can’t afford it.

This is punishing families, hurting small businesses, and forcing countless numbers of citizens to leave our state. All the people are asking for is just a little relief and reprieve.

Unfortunately, many in Olympia continue to push policies that punish people at the pump, crush consumers at the store, and burden families with bills they simply can’t pay. As Governor, we will work together to change all this and make our state an affordable place to work and live.

Read Dave’s 9-1-1 Blueprint on Cost of Living here:

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Jobs and the Economy

Creating jobs and growing the economy is a must for our State to thrive and prosper.

That requires policies that lower your taxes, reduce regulations, and that help small businesses grow and create good-paying jobs. That also requires something else: law and order.

The spike in crime, vandalism and homelessness have made it difficult – and in some cases nearly impossible – for businesses to survive much less succeed.

It doesn’t have to be this way. For generations, it wasn’t this way.

The bottom line is crystal clear: either elected officials are okay allowing this to happen or have chosen to look the other way.

I never will.

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Parents and Children

To preserve the hopes and dreams of our children we must first ensure their safety and educational opportunities.

Washington’s public schools have lost over 60,000 students since the COVID-19 pandemic, creating an epidemic of its own. We must do everything in our power to make sure we never revert to a one-size-fits-all round of lockdowns, closures, and mandates.

You can preserve public health without destroying freedom.

In terms of our schools, which are there to give our children the tools they need to succeed in life, we must reverse the exodus of children not returning.

Beyond giving teachers all the tools they need to effectively do their jobs, we must redouble our efforts to make every school in the state safe and secure.

As Governor, my efforts will be focused on restoring the voices of all loving and caring parents to ensure your children receive the high-quality education they deserve, and you expect.

And I will fight to end the rise of antisemitism in our schools and universities.

Read Dave’s 9-1-1 Blueprint on Ending Antisemitism in Our Schools here

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Government is there to serve, and listen to, the people. Yet our state government today only seems interested in serving themselves and listening to no one but themselves. I’m running to make state government what it should be – open, responsive, and inclusive – where the power is wielded by you, the citizens.

Do this, and we will replace delay and foot-dragging with action and results. We must stop pitting one group against another, one region against another, one generation against another. It’s literally tearing our society apart.

The way I see it, leadership means you’re willing to make the tough decisions so many others shy away from. That listening to others isn’t just a sign of respect but a prescription for success.

That when you pledge to represent everyone, you really mean it.

Hate and Antisemitism

The rise of antisemitism on our streets, in our schools, and spreading across the campuses of our universities should terrify everyone, whether they are victims of this hate or not.

All Washingtonians, no matter their religion, race, gender or sexual orientation deserve to feel wanted and safe in their own communities.

As Governor, I will not have a zero-tolerance policy for hate crimes and antisemitic vitriol. We will not allow people filled with hate to threaten our Jewish community members or make them feel unwanted at their places of worship or schools. We will educate our youth on the history of antisemitism and stop any effort to intimidate people for practicing their religion.

Read Dave’s 9-1-1 Blueprint on Ending Antisemitism in Our Schools here: