Meet Dave Reichert

Dave Reichert is a Proven Leader With Experience Serving His Community

Dave Reichert’s record of service to others began in 1971 when he joined the Air Force Reserves’ 939th Military Airlift Command.
Following his time in the military, Reichert embarked on an historic 33-year law enforcement career at the King County Sheriff’s Office. Dave started as a beat cop before he was appointed (then elected) King County Sheriff where he led an 1,100-person organization for eight years.

As lead detective of the tenacious and dedicated investigative team, Reichert worked alongside officers, medical examiners, and volunteers to capture the monster known as the “Green River Killer” who senselessly murdered countless women in Washington State during the 1980s and 1990s.

In 2004, responding to calls for service in Washington D.C., Reichert ran for and won election to Washington’s 8th Congressional District covering large parts of King and Pierce Counties.
Reichert would go on to win every race for Congress, including presidential years where the District backed the Democratic nominee.
Reichert quickly rose through the ranks and became the sixth freshman representative in history to be named chairman of a subcommittee when he led the Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness Subcommittee. He would later become a senior member of the most powerful panel in Congress – the Ways & Means Committee – where he worked to keep taxes low as chairman of the Tax Subcommittee, helped improve our nation’s foster care system as chair of the Human Resources Subcommittee, and became chairman of the Trade Subcommittee where he championed free-trade agreements critical to over 248,000 jobs in Washington State.
Reichert quickly rose through the ranks and became the sixth freshman representative in history to be named chairman of a subcommittee when he led the Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness Subcommittee. He would later become a senior member of the most powerful panel in Congress – the Ways & Means Committee – where he worked to keep taxes low as chairman of the Tax Subcommittee, helped improve our nation’s foster care system as chair of the Human Resources Subcommittee, and became chairman of the Trade Subcommittee where he championed free-trade agreements critical to over 248,000 jobs in Washington State.
Reichert was an unequivocal leader when it came to preventing violence against women, child safety, supporting first responders, and showed an independent streak in protecting Washington’s environment and natural resources.
After leaving Congress in 2019, Reichert responded to a modern-day humanitarian crisis by working throughout Central America to combat human trafficking.
After leaving Congress in 2019, Reichert responded to a modern-day humanitarian crisis by working throughout Central America to combat human trafficking.
Reichert has also been instrumental in helping law enforcement across the country obtain Rapid DNA, a technology that provides a full DNA profile in just 90 minutes.
Reichert, who lives with his wife Julie in Chelan, has three children, six grandchildren and five great grandchildren - all residing in Washington state.